the best is the horse pa;lying the piano XD lmfao, so awesome
the best is the horse pa;lying the piano XD lmfao, so awesome
wonderfull use of clices and i just lol'd as:
overall wuite good!
And AMAZING graphics! i like the style!
not just amazing animation skillz but an amazing plotline too! hilrious and very good quality!
Still lacking
go the the NG toutorial page and you will find how to make sound and use the NG preloader, the contexnt is quite good, but you sould work on timing for more realistic motions, like making the flipping faster, but apart form that, the animation is good, and you only need those few addiatives...
sorry, but
that as bad... it was obviously not made by u (the characters, background, weapons...) and hte animation was very bad. make something orininal adn have a higher frame rate.
dont care
i have tried
i have exsperimented, and i know the best way to get a protoss voice. you record it, turn pich to 80%, then REVERSE and add the echo while revered! then you can reverse again back to normal, you you have to add the echo while reversed, try it!
btw, thogh the voice was lacking, the grafics were amazing!
the singing
hilarious vid, and you could probobly sing better if you dtop dinging quetly. it sounds like your holding back to be softer, but you could proboly sing better if you actually sung... yea...
'nuf said
Music is Life
Joined on 9/24/07